»Brazilian Thesaurus of Education (Brased) - A product of the Center for Information and Library in Education (Cibec), linked to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), federal agency of the Ministry of Education (MEC). Brased works as a search engine for the sources of information cataloged by the institution. Indexes monographs, journals, journal articles and event works. It includes the references collected in the predecessor Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação (BBE). They are national in scope.
»Edubase - Database of articles from periodicals, annals of events, technical-scientific reports, texts and book chapters in the area of Education. This database was developed at the Faculty of Education at UNICAMP. Its national coverage
»Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) - Digital library developed by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the United States Department of Education. And it aims to disseminate information resources in Education, from a simple and accessible platform worldwide. Its scope is international.
»CAPES journals - Offers access to the full texts of selected articles from more than 21,500 national and foreign journals. Restricted access.