The course will operate on a night shift, on a semiannual basis, with 100 (one hundred) places per year or 50 (fifty) each semester, according to Ministerial Decree Ren. No. 366/2007, with a total workload of 3,000 (three thousand) hours, equivalent to 131 (one hundred and thirty-one) credits, distributed in interconnected training fields, in accordance with CNE / CES Resolution No. 15/2002, which institutes the Curricular Guidelines for Social Work Courses. The term for curricular payment corresponds to a minimum time of 3 and a half years, equivalent to 7 semesters and a maximum of 5 years, equivalent to 10 semesters.
The curricular proposal of the Social Service Course of the Faculty of Baixo Parnaiba - FAP of Chapadinha - MA, is based on the triangle of knowledge constituted in three nuclei of foundations of professional formation: the Nucleus of theoretical and methodological foundations of social life, the Nucleus of fundamentals of the socio-historical formation of Brazilian society and the Core of fundamentals of professional work, defined in the National Curriculum Guidelines. As the social disciplines and practices are gathered around these Thematic Centers, articulators of professional training, considering the totality of contents necessary for the particularities of professional activity. Such content unfolds, in turn, in areas of knowledge, which constitute a unit of professional training content, an integral part of the group of competences and skills, defined in the profile of the course.
It comprises a set of knowledge that integrates the understanding of the social being as a historical totality. The nucleus aggregates the fundamental components of social life, the particularities of the Brazilian reality and professional work. In this perspective, the social being starts from the process of constitution and historical development of contemporary society, is evident in the apprehension of the elements of continuity and rupture of historical moments.
Thus, the category of Work is assumed as the guiding thread of the process of reproduction of social life, conceived as praxis, which implies the development of sociality, awareness, universality and the ability to institute values, choices and new requirements, in opposition to society. capitalist, which presents its specificities: the social division of labor, private property, the division of classes, the relations of exploitation and domination, and yet, its forms of alienation and resistance. In this way, the recognition of the ethical-cultural, political and ideological dimensions that make up social processes is also ratified, apprehended in the dialectical movement that embodies the elements of its overcoming.
This nucleus, therefore, provides the understanding and explanation of social, educational and significant learning phenomena, based on its bases in different languages and codes, as well as historical, philosophical, economic, political, in order to capture the relationships and interactions between State / Society / Work.