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The Regional Higher Education Center Arno Kreutz LTDA (CRESU), located at Avenida Ataliba Vieira de Almeida, 1,452, Centro, Chapadinha - MA, maintainer of the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba (FAP), accredited under the terms of Ordinance No. 874/2016 - DOU No. 156/2016, through the Permanent Tender Committee (COPEC), makes public the FAP / 2020.1 Selection Process for courses in: Accounting Sciences (Ministerial Ordinance No. 106 of April 5, 2016, DOU of 06/04 / 2016), Law (Ministerial Ordinance No. 561 of August 16, 2018 - DOU No. 17/08/2018), Pedagogy (Ministerial Ordinance No. 916, of December 27, 2018, DOU of December 28, 2018) and Service (Ministerial Ordinance No. 265 of March 27, 2015, DOU of March 28, 2015) that will take place on December 8, 2019, at the premises of the FAP building, from 8 am to 12 pm, with with a view to filling 380 (three hundred and eighty) vacancies, to operate at the Institution's headquarters, in the afternoon and evening shifts, from Monday to Saturday.

To sign up:

Use the LOGIN and PASSWORD registered at the time of registration or call (98) 3471 - 1955

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