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The Profª Lusimar Silva Ferreira Library aims to provide technical and scientific information to the academic community, through its collection and facilities, in support of the Teaching, Research and Extension programs, enabling access to the information stored and generated at the HEI.

Its mission is to supply the informational needs of the community in which it is inserted regarding the performance of its Teaching, Research and Extension activities.

It is located on the ground floor of the main building of the college with a space of 295 m² comprising: reading room, computer lab, group study rooms and booths for individual study, user service sector, and the collection (books, periodicals and multimedia).

For the management and management of the library, the software Jacad Educational System is used, which enhances the basic services of consultation, loan, return and renewal in person and on-line.

The library adopts the Universal Classification (CDU) and the Cutter Table to guide the books on the shelves. Following the increasing order of numbers referring to the CDU. Learn more about our collection . In addition to offering various services to the academic community, get to know them .

We are a family owned and operated business.


We are a family owned and operated business.

Monday to Friday: from 1:30 pm to 10:00 pm

Saturday: 8am to 12pm

Visitors: Monday to Friday: 14h to 22h

We are a family owned and operated business.



Rayssa Cristhália Viana da Silva

Bachelor of Library Science (UFMA)

We are a family owned and operated business.

Library Assistants

Maria dos Milagres Araújo da Silva

Pedagogue and Psychopedagogue (FAP)

We are a family owned and operated business.


Rejane da Costa Silva de Sousa

Undergraduate in Pedagogy (FAP)

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