Regulatory Norms for Course Completion Work (TCC) - FAP / CEPEX N ° 023/2019 OF FEBRUARY 07, 2019
Normalizes the activities related to the preparation and presentation of the TCC of undergraduate courses.
The catalog card is a mandatory item for the presentation of the TCC and must appear on the back of the cover page. To request, fill in the form and attach a file containing: cover page, summary (Portuguese language), summary and introduction.
The catalog will be sent to the email within 72 hours from the requested date and time.
In case of changes regarding the title, subtitle, authors or number of pages, the student must request a new catalog card for the necessary corrections.
TCC delivery guidelines:
First version for Examining Board must deliver:
to the Course Coordination the TCC in 03 (three) printed copies, as well as copies of the file in doc or docx format, in PDF, copy of the Plagiarism Report recorded on CD (personalized acrylic cover);
Consent Form for Person Participation as research subject and / or Institution;
Term of Responsibility of the teacher / advisor;
Student / Guardian Responsibility Term;
Declaration of Assignment of Copyright to FAP;
Defense Request duly signed by the advisor;
Statements of Nothing in the Academic-Administrative Sectors of the IES.
Second version for defense of the TCC should deliver:
in a brochure model, with a blue cover for all courses;
copy of PDF file and updated plagiarism report on personalized CD in acrylic cover;
Statements of Nothing in the Academic-Administrative Sectors of the IES.
Guidelines of the TCC structure
They are standardized work models according to ABNT, in which the user will replace the information contained by his own.
Template for research projects
Template for presentation of work in seminars (Posters)
Useful links
Bibliographic reference manager - More
Online Reference Mechanism is a free tool that automatically produces citations in the text and references in the ABNT format. The documents covered by the mechanism are the most used in academia: books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, theses and dissertations, magazine articles, newspaper articles, in printed and electronic formats, in addition to exclusive documents in electronic media: home page and e- mail.
Tabular presentation rules - IBGE
Prepared by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, it aims to provide elements that ensure the standardization and rationalization of the presentation of numerical data in tables.
Link shortener
They are used to create a short URL. Thus it is possible to reduce a link to leave the reference aesthetically improved.
URL as presented on the website: / E-book% 20Methodology% 20do% 20Work% 20Cientifico.pdf
Short url: