The Student Financing Fund (FIES) is a program of the Ministry of Education (MEC), instituted by Law No. 10,260, of July 12, 2001, which aims to provide financing to students in non-free higher education courses, with a positive evaluation in the processes conducted by MEC and offered by non-free higher education institutions adhering to the program.
The new FIES is a modern student financing model, which divides the program into different modalities, allowing zero interest to those who need it most and a scale of financing that varies according to the applicant's family income.
New Fies contracting modalities
• Fies I modality: in this first modality, the new Fies will offer vacancies at zero interest to students with a monthly family income of up to three minimum wages.
• Fies II modality: intended for students with a monthly family income of up to five minimum wages in the North, Northeast and Midwest regions paid for with funds from the Constitutional and Development Funds. Interest rates will vary by bank.
• Fies III modality: this modality is also for students with a monthly family income of up to five minimum wages, but it is destined to all regions of Brazil and will be funded with resources from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES). Interest rates will vary by bank.
Who can participate?
Those interested in contracting the financing must have taken the Enem test from 2010 and obtained a minimum score of 450 (four hundred and fifty) points, in addition to not having zeroed the writing. The course of the educational institution for which the candidate intends to obtain funding must have a positive evaluation by the MEC. Prouni partial fellows can also apply for funding.
How to sign up for Fies
Fies opens registration at the beginning of each academic semester. To register, it is necessary to access the Fies Computerized System website and carry out four steps that include everything from filling in the student's personal data, validating the information in the Permanent Supervision and Monitoring Committee (CPSA) to contracting the financing at the bank.
0800 616161 - Call Center of the Ministry of Education.