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Organograma da Instituição



We are a family owned and operated business.

Executive Bodies:

  • School board;

  • Academic Board;

  • Undergraduate Course Coordination;

  • Academic secretary;

  • Administrative Directorate (Planning and Management Coordination and General Secretariat);

  • Patrimony Directorate (Infrastructure, Library and Laboratories).

The Board of Education is responsible for:

  1. Administer, coordinate and supervise the Institute and represent it actively and passively before the public and judicial branches and / or institutions governed by private law;

  2. Call and chair the meetings of the Higher Education Council and the Teaching, Research and Extension Council;

  3. Prepare the Institution's business plan and submit it for CONSENS approval;

  4. Prepare and submit to CONSENS the budget proposal to be sent to the Maintainer;

  5. Prepare the annual report of the Institution's activities and forward it to Organs competent bodies, after being considered by CONSENS;

  6. Check degree, sign diplomas, titles and school certificates;

  7. Ensure the maintenance of order and discipline of the Institute, responding for abuse or omission;

  8. Propose to the Maintainer, after CONSENS approval, the hiring of teaching and technical-administrative staff;

  9. Authorize publications whenever they involve the Institution's responsibility;

  10. Comply with and enforce the provisions of this Regulation and other pertinent rules;

  11. Resolve the omitted cases in this Regulation or urgent “ad referendum” of CONSENS and CEPEX;

  12. Call the elections to choose the representatives of the teaching and technical-administrative bodies;

  13. Download Resolutions related to the resolutions of the Collegiate Bodies that it presides;

  14. Download Ordinances and other normative acts within its competence;

  15. Create bodies linked to the Board of Education to advise, administer, control, coordinate, plan and supervise specific activities;

  16. Create temporary or permanent commissions to support or subsidize the study of specific subjects, according to their nature;

  17. To exercise the other attributions provided for in the Law and in these Regulations.

The Coordination of Undergraduate Courses is responsible for:

  1. Call and preside over the meetings of the Course Collegiate;

  2. Distribute teaching, research and extension charges among its teachers, respecting the specificities and coordinating activities;

  3. Deliberate on the programs and teaching plans of its disciplines, research and extension, and execute them, after being approved by the Academic Council;

  4. Pronounce on the use of studies and adaptations and transferred or graduated students;

  5. Opinion on the admission, promotion or removal of its teaching staff;

  6. Approve the annual academic activities plan and calendar, as well as the budget proposal of the Coordination, prepared by its coordinator;

  7. Propose the admission of a monitor;

  8. Exercise the other powers provided for by law and in these Rules.

  9. Represent the Coordination with the authorities and bodies of the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba - FAP;

  10. Call and preside over the Coordination meetings;

  11. Coordinate, evaluate and supervise the undergraduate course, enforcing the school regime, programs and workloads of subjects and other activities;

  12. Enforce the requirements for curricular integration, providing, at the end of the course, the preparation of the School History of the graduates, for the purpose of issuing the diplomas;

  13. Coordinate the organization of events, study weeks, debate cycles, within the scope of the course;

  14. Promote studies and updates of the syllabus of teaching practices and new paradigms for learning assessment;

  15. Supervise and inspect the execution of programmed activities, as well as the attendance of teachers;

  16. Present, annually, to the Executive Board the report of its activities;

  17. Suggest hiring or dismissing teaching or technical-administrative staff;

  18. Suggest measures aimed at improving activities, as well as providing opinions on pertinent matters submitted to it by the Director;

  19. Regularly subscribe and disclose the score board of the use of tests, exams and list of absences, for the knowledge of the students;

  20. Give an opinion on requests for allowances and justifications for absences, absences, leave, as well as reporting delays and early departures of secretariat employees, forwarding, at the end of the monthly frequency, to the Director's consideration for conclusive dispatch;

  21. Forward, monthly, to the board of directors, for appreciation and sending to the Maintainer for measures, the statistics on the movement of students: (enrollment locking, transfers, dropouts, list of enrolled and transferred students, etc.), and of teachers and employees (requests termination, exemption from participation in qualification programs, vacations and other leave, etc.);

  22. Sign, with the Director of Education, the diplomas and certificates conferred by the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba - FAP and the terms of graduation;

  23. To exercise the other attributions provided for by law and in these Regulations.

The Academic Secretariat is responsible for:

  1. Organize secretariat and academic support services;

  2. Organize academic control, in order to guarantee the security and correctness of these records and to ensure the preservation of school documents;

  3. Send and subscribe to correspondence based on the academic records of the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba - FAP;

  4. To write and subscribe the call notices for exams and enrollments, which will be published by order of the Director;

  5. Bring up to date the collection of laws, regulations, orders and work orders;

  6. Assist people in matters of their assignment;

  7. Keep student records folders updated;

  8. Keep the teachers 'and employees' records folders up-to-date;

  9. Do not allow the presence of strangers and maintain order in the work environment;

  10. Perform other duties provided for in the Maintainer's Bylaws.

Deliberative and normative bodies:

  • Higher Education Council - CONSENS;

  • Teaching, Research and Extension Council - CEPEX;

  • Course Collegiate - CC.

The Higher Education Council - CONSENS - is the highest body of a normative, consultative and deliberative nature, of educational planning, composed of the following members: Director of Education; Administrative Director; Equity Officer; Course coordinator; Coordinator Institute of Higher Education - ISE; a representative of the faculty elected by his peers; a representative of the student body elected by their peers; a representative of the technical-administrative staff elected by his peers; a representative of the Maintainer appointed by it; and a representative of the community, indicated in a triple list by the representative classes, chosen and designated by the Board of Education.

The Higher Education Council - CONSENS is responsible for:

  1. Draw up and approve its own Rules of Procedure;

  2. Approve the Institute's Rules of Procedure, its changes and amendments;

  3. Approve the Institute's Activity Plan;

  4. Decide on issues of teaching, research, extension and administration;

  5. Deliberate, in compliance with the Legislation in force, on the creation, incorporation, suspension and extinction of undergraduate, graduate and sequential courses or qualifications;

  6. Approve the appointment of teachers for hiring by the Mantenedora;

  7. Decide the appeals brought by the other bodies, in didactic-scientific and disciplinary matters;

  8. Appreciate the Annual Report of the Board;

  9. Suggest measures aimed at improving and developing the Institution, as well as giving an opinion on pertinent matters submitted to it by the Director of Education;

  10. Decide on the granting of academic dignities;

  11. Set standards for organizing undergraduate and graduate courses;

  12. To exercise the other attributions provided for in the Law and in these Regulations.

The Coordination of the Instituto Superior de Educação - ISE, a member of CONSENS, is responsible for:

  1. Assist the Education Directorate in the exercise of ISE's academic activities;

  2. Coordinate and supervise the activities of teaching and providing services to the community;

  3. Coordinate actions for planning and evaluating academic activities, aiming at their integration with the community;

  4. Encourage ISE's participation in cultural, didactic-scientific and sports meetings.

It is the responsibility of the Course Collegiate of the Higher Institute of Education - ISE:

  1. Set the general guidelines of the courses;

  2. To elaborate the curriculum of the courses and their alterations with the indication of the disciplines, menus and respective workloads, according to the curricular guidelines issued by the Public Power;

  3. Promote the evaluation of courses;

  4. Deliberate on the use of studies and adaptations, upon the request of the interested parties;

  5. Collaborate with other academic bodies within the scope of its activities;

  6. Articulate the formulation, execution and evaluation of the institutional project for teacher training and the specific pedagogical projects of the courses;

  7. To exercise other attributions of its competence, in the form of the current legislation specific to the ISE, or that are delegated to them by the other higher collegiate bodies.

The Teaching, Research and Extension Council - CEPEX is a deliberative, normative and consultative body, in matters of an academic nature; It consists of the following members:

  • Education Director;

  • Academic Director;

  • Administrative Director;

  • Course Coordinator;

  • Coordinator of the Higher Education Institute;

  • Chief Librarian;

  • Two teaching representatives of the undergraduate course, elected by their peers, with a mandate of 01 (one) year;

  • A student representative from the undergraduate course, regularly enrolled and appointed by the student body, in accordance with its Statute.

The Education, Research and Extension Council - CEPEX is responsible for:

  • Draw up its own Rules of Procedure, submitting them for approval by the Higher Education Council;

  • Propose to the Higher Education Council guidelines and policies for teaching, research, extension;

  • To establish academic norms complementary to the Regiment on the selection process, curricula, evaluation, use of studies, in addition to other counterparts;

  • Approve the Notice of the Selection Process for admission to undergraduate courses and its specific rules;

  • Approve and forward to the Higher Education Council, upon opinion, a proposal for the creation and extinction of undergraduate and graduate courses;

  • Approve the rules of operation for supervised internships, monographs and monitoring;

  • Appreciate and issue an opinion on teaching, research and extension activities;

  • Approve the School Calendar;

  • Deliberate, in the first instance, or as an appeal, on any matter within its competence;

  • Suggest measures aimed at improving and developing the Institute's activities, as well as providing opinions on pertinent matters submitted to it by the Director of Education;

  • Perform the other duties that are provided for in the Rules and those that fall within the scope of its competence.

Course Collegiate is a deliberative, normative and consultative body, within the scope of the undergraduate course, it is made up of the following members:

  • Course coordinator, who chairs it;

  • Five teaching representatives who teach subjects in the course, elected by their peers, with a mandate of 01 (one) year;

  • A representative of the student body of the course, chosen by his peers, with a mandate of 01 (one) year, allowed to renew for an equal period and fulfilling the requirements of the first paragraph of art. 8 of the Institution's Internal Regulations.

It is the responsibility of the Undergraduate Course Collegiate:

  • Approve the Teaching Plan for the subjects that make up the curricula of the courses;

  • Evaluate the development of the Teaching Plan, analyzing the links between objectives, syllabus, teaching and evaluation procedures;

  • Analyze results of student earnings, performance of subjects and the course, with a view to pedagogical-administrative intervention and the institutional evaluation process;

  • Approve the teaching schedule, research initiation, extension activities and sequential courses;

  • Approve specific rules for the supervised internship, for the preparation and presentation of the monograph or course conclusion work and for monitoring to be sent to CEPEX.

The Maintainer is responsible to the public authorities and the public in general, for the Institution, being responsible for taking the necessary measures for its proper functioning, respecting the limits of the Law and Regulations, the academic freedom of the teaching and student bodies and the proper authority of its deliberative bodies. Mainly, it is incumbent upon the Mantenedora to promote adequate operating conditions for the Institution, making available to it the necessary movable and immovable property, of its assets or of third parties assigned to it, ensuring sufficient financial resources and funding.

The Maintainer reserves itself to the budgetary, financial and patrimonial administration of the Institution, being able to delegate it, in whole or in part, to the Director of Education. Decisions of the Institution's executive or collegiate bodies that result in increased expenses depend on the approval of the Maintainer. The Maintainer enjoys didactic-scientific, administrative, financial management and discipline autonomy under the terms of the Law and the IES Regulations.


Structuring Teaching Nucleus - NDE

The Structuring Teaching Nucleus (NDE) is the advisory, propositional body responsible for the design, implementation, evaluation and continuous updating of the Pedagogical Project for the Courses, as well as its consolidation.

Its role is to contribute to the elaboration of the Pedagogical Project for Undergraduate Courses (PPC), proposing, if necessary, redefinition of new conceptual parameters and fundamentals, based on the current legislation.

The constitution and composition of the NDE are regulated by internal resolution, under the terms of the legislation.

Teaching, Research and Extension Center

The Teaching, Research and Extension Center - NUPEX is the body responsible for the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of FAP's academic policies, coordinated by the Academic Director. Among NUPEX's functions, competences and attributions, the following stand out: integrating teaching, research and extension in undergraduate and graduate courses; implement the Scientific Initiation Program, aimed at undergraduate students and implement the scholarship program for postgraduate studies.

In relation to research, NUPEX aims to identify and establish priority lines for the Faculty in the areas of knowledge relevant to the academic community; support the formation and consolidation of research groups; systematize the monitoring and permanent evaluation of research projects; promote the dissemination of research carried out; identify sources of fundraising and develop research and service delivery instruments.

With regard to extension, NUPEX seeks to develop programs, projects, courses and events in order to guide the formulation of the extension program, aiming at integrating teaching and research, as well as stimulating interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs with the community and developing actions that contribute to improving the quality of life of the citizen of Chapadinha and the region.

Nucleus of Reading and Textual Production

The Reading Center emerged from the realization of the local and regional reality, that many people know how to read and write, but are unable to interpret what they read. More specific reality of students from public schools, often children of illiterate parents, inserted in environments where there is no incentive to read, which contributes to a high dropout and repetition rate. This problem extends to high school, when in the results of the National High School Exam (ENEM) and the entrance exam it appears that the biggest problem for students is with reading and understanding the questions, data endorsed by published statistics.

This reality, combined with the information that there are still many Brazilians who do not have contact with the book and do not even know a public library, motivated the creation of the Center for Reading and Textual Production, linked to the library, with the objective of implementing actions in the sense of encourage reading habits among students. The Program develops actions that stimulate reading, the formation of critical and proficient readers, through group dynamics, oral and written exhibitions, integrated panels, discussion forums and other activities suggested by students, such as reading and reading practices. writing; participation in reading incentive campaigns, at the local, regional or national level; contact with formative, informative, technical, narrative, dissertative, advertising texts, literature and leisure to deepen knowledge, as well as reading practices aimed at understanding basic and peripheral ideas of texts, interpreting facts, unveiling underlying contradictions and playful activities and artistic related to cultural goods.

Nucleus of Academic Cultural Activities - NAAC

The Nucleus of Cultural Academic Activities (NAAC) opens up possibilities for the creation of cultural projects, providing the academic community with revelations, understandings, criticisms and transformations in the local reality.

In this sense, FAP is a dynamic space for the production of new meanings and is concerned with a broad and inclusive vision of art and artistic work, student leadership, culture and solidarity.

It aims to create living spaces within the institution, democratizing the access of the community (children, adolescents, youth, adults and the elderly) to various artistic and cultural activities.

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