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The changes that took place in the world of work and social relations at the end of the last century, put in place new demands for higher education. Therefore, it is up to HEIs not only to produce scientific and technological knowledge, but also to develop critical and creative actions aimed at society, intervening and transforming it.
The pedagogical relationship gives the teacher an authority emanating from his condition as the holder of a knowledge that needs to be communicated. This results not only in the influence of the teacher on the students, with the establishment of a set of relationships and complex and diverse circumstances that need to be managed by the teacher as a mediator of the act of learning. Thus, thinking about professional training means developing skills to face complexities that the profession requires.
In this sense, the Pedagogical Course Project - Social Service PPC, adopts the understanding of competence as the set of resources that are mobilized to act. “Competencies always deal with some form of performance, existing only 'in situation' and, therefore, cannot be learned solely on the theoretical plane, nor on the strictly practical one” (Opinion CNE / CPnº28 / 2001). Competence for a better quality practice requires an understanding of the school, society and man in the professional training process, based on a critical-reflexive vision that guarantees the professionals in training, autonomy in the development of their knowledge and practices, in the face of everyday situations.
The National Curriculum Guidelines instigate reflections of a theoretical and methodological nature, which are characterized by a new quality within the professional debate. From them, there are also theoretical productions and public debates in terms of reflecting on their practical consequences in terms of professional training. The quality required in this curricular logic, encourages reflection on the fundamentals of social life and Social Work itself as a profession, incorporating new concepts and demanding new perspectives.
In this case, the changes in the world of work and the new configurations of contemporary society in its policies, are imperative in the demand for a new professional profile and, consequently, for professional training, which responds to new work processes and new social demands. , whose knowledge is nourished and reconstructed from a significant social practice that presupposes a solid theoretical formation, comprising:
Social Work is specialized in the social relations of production and reproduction of social life as an interventionist profession, whose object is outlined based on the manifestations of the social question;
the relationship between Social Work and the social issue - the raw material for the intervention of the Social Worker - is mediated by socio-historical and theoretical methodological processes inherent to their work process;
the worsening of the social issue, based on the process of productive restructuring in Brazil and the implementation of the neoliberal project, imposes changes in the field of action of the Social Worker;
the work process of the Social Worker is determined by the structural and conjunctural configurations of the social question and by the historical forms that its confrontation shapes, through social policies and struggles.
In this same perspective, the principles that underlie professional training are oriented to:
Flexibility in organizing full curricula, manifested in the possibility of defining disciplines and other curricular components;
Rigorous theoretical, historical and methodological treatment of social reality and Social Work, which allows the understanding of the problems and challenges that professionals face in their daily lives;
Adoption of a critical social theory;
Overcoming content fragmentation in the curricular organization;
Establishment of investigative and interventional dimensions, as formative principles;
Identical performance and quality standards for day and night courses;
Interdisciplinarity in dealing with questions posed by reality, reconstituting the complexity of social phenomena;
Inseparability between teaching, research and extension;
Theoretical pluralism as an axis in the construction of the social direction of professional training;
Ethics as a founding formative element;
Linking the internship to academic and professional supervision.
Therefore, it is considered imperative to implement the Social Service Course based on the Curriculum Guidelines and in the general processes streamlined by class organizations, articulated above all, with the flexibility of the course structure, with diversified, creative and dynamic activities in the teaching-learning process. .
The proposal has the understanding that theory is the basis on which professional competences are built and rebuilt, therefore, it must be based on the articulation between theory and practice, and the disciplines must show this relationship. In this approach, the contents will be considered both the problems related to the field of action of the future professional, as well as those of their cultural, social and economic reality, requiring that the initial training, be clear as to the relationship between the contents worked and the curriculum to be developed, has a privileged place in the curricular space: the initiation to research, the problematizing and investigative attitude of teachers and students, constituting a teaching instrument and a learning content focusing on the teaching-learning process of the curricular contents.
It should be noted that the professional training of the social worker should prioritize aspects related to interdisciplinarity, curricular flexibility, the inseparability between theory and practice. Thus, the curricular matrix of the Social Service Course must be articulated with the organic vision of knowledge, as opposed to the disorderly multiplicity of specializations of knowledge and the lack of specific unity between the disciplines of the Course.
It is understood that it is necessary to ensure, in the training of social workers, the systematization and deepening of concepts and relationships expressed in and by the disciplines essential to the development of their professional skills, which does not mean a defense of the compartmentalization and isolation of these disciplines.
In this sense, the construction of knowledge must have a dialectical character between the contemporary world, different languages, new technologies and new configurations of already established contents. The disciplines must seek not only specific training, but also the relationship with other areas of knowledge, having interdisciplinarity as one of the guiding principles of the academic-scientific activities of the Course.
In this way, interdisciplinarity in the pedagogical project constitutes a challenge to overcome the rigid and fragmented school culture, generally present in the curricula of the Bachelor's courses, in which, on the one hand, the specific subjects are juxtaposed; and on the other, the methodologies, the fundamentals of training and the internship in a compartmentalized and isolated way. In this context, the responsibility of educators to promote an organically integrated teaching grows, so that students acquire the skills to investigate, understand, communicate and, mainly, relate what they learn from their social and cultural context.
Another principle that stands out in the construction of the Social Service Course curriculum is flexibility, evidenced in different perspectives: in the elimination of the structural rigidity of the Course, in the organization of times and spaces and in the treatment of contents. This is because the organization of the curriculum must include flexible training, also aimed at deepening specific knowledge, identified as significant in the social and educational reality that meet the interests of students. In addition, several information and communication technologies should be used as possibilities to develop the contents of the different subjects in the course's daily routine, and also to diversify the educational spaces by extrapolating the limits of the school and the classroom.
Therefore, the curricular guidelines impose themselves to the demands of theoretical-methodological, ethical-political and technical training, aiming at:
The prioritization of a critical reading of the historical process, apprehended in its entirety;
The investigation of historical formation and contemporary social processes that guide the constitution of Brazilian society, under the model of capitalist production;
Apprehension of the social meaning of the profession in its products / responses, given the different circumstances;
Understanding the demands placed on Social Work through the labor market, and changes in public and private relations, and in the management of social policies in the Brazilian State;
Strengthening of professional practice in line with the competences and duties established in the current professional legislation.
We are a family owned and operated business.