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Research and Extension

Published on June 14, the public notice for the selection of undergraduate researchers and extension students for the research centers and extension projects of the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba. Registration will be open from June 17th to 21st and will select students for the following research centers or extension projects:

- Nucleus of Academic and Cultural Activities (NAAC);
- Center for Economic and Educational Practices (NUPSED);
- ENEMPAR (Extension Project of pedagogical reinforcement for public school students who will provide ENEM);
- Reading Core Eliane Rego.
The selection process will have two stages. The first, with analysis of the registration documentation, of an eliminatory nature and the second with interviews conducted by the coordinators in the nuclei and extension projects, of an eliminatory and classificatory character. Research and extension activities will be carried out in the second semester, with students approved within the vacancies. The number of vacancies for each nucleus, and their description can be found in the notice, which is available on the FAP website.

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