Between the 19th and 21st of July 2017, the 5th English Symposium - English Literature and Multiculturalism was held in the city of Teresina, organized by the State University of Piauí - UESPI. The purpose of the event was to promote integration between students of the Literature / English course and students from other UESPI courses, based on discussions on various topics of common interest. And, yet, to awaken students to the importance of research today, thus strengthening the need to expand its dissemination both in their mother tongue and in a foreign language, at all school levels.
The roundtable “Literatura e Cinema” took place on July 20, at 10 am at the Pirajá Auditorium on the UESPI campus and counted with the participation of Profa. Ms. Sérgia Antonia Martins de Oliveira Alves and Prof. Ms. Ginê Duarte Ferro. It was a very fruitful debate in which each teacher demonstrated his views on these two arts that go hand in hand and that always arouse an immense interest in lovers of cinema and literature. They even gave tips for those who intend to do some work involving these two aspects. In the end, many of those present were able to question and contribute to the discussion that became even richer.
On the same day of July 20, at around 2:00 pm, oral communications started in the auditorium of NEAD (Distance Education Center). The students Daniel Monteles da Silva and Rodrigo Mesquita Carvalho presented their article “Cinema and English Language Teaching: a methodological proposal”. The work aimed at reflecting and analyzing the use of cinema as a cognitive process and acquisition of the English language. On the occasion, a specific approach was taken on the methods in which educators can make use of film applications in the classroom, highlighting their relevance in activities that require proficient skills. We sought to bring to the research the cinematographic resource as a cognitive trigger, which justifies their choice and this cannot be random, but it must meet, above all, the pedagogical needs and the interests of the students, the reality that surrounds them in order to narrow ties with the language in a dynamic and motivating way.
At the end of the presentation, a space for questions and suggestions was opened. The students received praise, suggestions and incentives, as it was recognized that this methodology comes from teachers of a generation closer to the students, bringing them closer to the reality in which they live.
The V English Symposium - English literature and multiculturalism, without a doubt, was a rich, unique and organized event. With a welcoming atmosphere, UESPI opened the doors for academics who felt at home. It is worth highlighting the work of Professor Dra. Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa who organized the event brilliantly, and also the precision of the monitors involved, always very helpful. The Symposium provided fruitful debates, a very dynamic interaction between students and teachers, and a certainty that it is through teaching and research that we will be able to follow straight paths, towards the improvement of society.
I'm Rodrigo Carvalho, concluding the FAP Language Course
Between the 19th and 21st of July 2017, the 5th English Symposium - English Literature and Multiculturalism was held in the city of Teresina, organized by the State University of Piauí - UESPI. The purpose of the event was to promote integration between students of the Literature / English course and students from other UESPI courses, based on discussions on various topics of common interest. And, yet, to awaken students to the importance of research today, thus strengthening the need to expand its dissemination both in their mother tongue and in a foreign language, at all school levels.
The roundtable “Literatura e Cinema” took place on July 20, at 10 am at the Pirajá Auditorium on the UESPI campus and counted with the participation of Profa. Ms. Sérgia Antonia Martins de Oliveira Alves and Prof. Ms. Ginê Duarte Ferro. It was a very fruitful debate in which each teacher demonstrated his views on these two arts that go hand in hand and that always arouse an immense interest in lovers of cinema and literature. They even gave tips for those who intend to do some work involving these two aspects. In the end, many of those present were able to question and contribute to the discussion that became even richer.
On the same day of July 20, at around 2:00 pm, oral communications started in the auditorium of NEAD (Distance Education Center). Students Daniel Monteles da Silva and Rodrigo Mesquita Carvalho presented their article “Cinema and English Language Teaching: a methodological proposal”. The work aimed at reflecting and analyzing the use of cinema as a cognitive process and acquisition of the English language. On the occasion, a specific approach was taken on the methods in which educators can make use of film applications in the classroom, highlighting their relevance in activities that require proficient skills. We sought to bring to the research the cinematographic resource as a cognitive trigger, which justifies their choice and this cannot be random, but it must meet, above all, the pedagogical needs and the interests of the students, the reality that surrounds them in order to narrow ties with the language in a dynamic and motivating way.
At the end of the presentation, a space for questions and suggestions was opened. The students received praise, suggestions and incentives, as it was recognized that this methodology comes from teachers of a generation closer to the students, bringing them closer to the reality in which they live.
The V English Symposium - English literature and multiculturalism, without a doubt, was a rich, unique and organized event. With a welcoming atmosphere, UESPI opened the doors for academics who felt at home. It is worth highlighting the work of Professor Dra. Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa who organized the event brilliantly, and also the precision of the monitors involved, always very solicitous. The Symposium provided useful debates, a very dynamic interaction between students and teachers, and a certainty that it is through teaching and research that we will be able to follow straight paths, towards the improvement of society.

I'm Rodrigo Carvalho, concluding the FAP Language Course
We, Caroline de Castro Araújo and Raiane Damacena de Abreu, graduates of the Letters Course VII period of the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba - FAP presented our article on the 19th of that month, with the title “AN ANALYSIS OF ETHICAL AND MORAL DILEMAS FROM THE LADY MACBETH CHARACTER OF THE WORK MACBETH BY SHAKESPEARE ”, in the form of oral presentation. The presentation took place at 3 pm, in the auditorium of Pirajá, and had a significant audience. The presentation was very smooth and the experience was of singular importance to us. At the end of the presentation, which followed the 10 (ten) minutes required by the organization of the event, a moment was opened for questions and contributions from the plenary. Questions arose that were immediately answered by us.
On the other days of the event, we participated as listeners and watched the presentation of colleagues who were with us in the same group. In addition, we participate in round tables, short courses, artistic presentations. During the interval of oral presentations we watched films and we can see some banners displayed in the corridors, with themes focused on the English Language and Literature.
Undoubtedly, the knowledge and experience gained at this event were of utmost importance to encourage us to continue our research, studies in order to enrich our professional profile.
We are Caroline de Castro Araújo and Raiane Damacena de Abreu, students from the 7th period of the FAP Literature course.

We are Caroline de Castro Araújo and Raiane Damacena de Abreu, students from the 7th period of the FAP Literature course.
The experience of participating in V SINGLÊS was enriching and rewarding. Events like this encourage us, academics, a greater desire to act in our areas, in addition to contributing to our training. One of the most interesting points is to realize that the research area is never exhausted and old themes become current, being worked on from the perspective of each researcher. The concentration of young people with the same interest or points in common brings, for everyone, a feeling of renewal and encourages interest in continuing the hard work of being a researcher.
For me, who always wrote articles for notes, defending my study to an audience different from the usual classmates, was challenging, but in the end I felt proud and with the feeling of accomplishment.
I hope to participate in other events, whenever possible, and I believe it was a unique experience, in which I was able to acquire more knowledge and share a little of my ideas and studies. Finally, I would like to thank the Faculty of Baixo Parnaíba - FAP, our advisor Prof.ª Esp. Ana Caroline Lima, who indicated and encouraged us to participate in this event, and the group that remained excited and willing to make the most of this opportunity. Thank you! I hope that we still have many fruits to reap with our efforts and dedication, and that we can produce more and more, and with quality, our research and studies.

I'm Deborah Praseres Marinho Jorge, a student from the 7th period of the FAP Literature course.